The ultimate course for finding balance.

Stop the burnout cycle while learning simple, effective self-care practices that’ll help you upgrade your life and find balance without having to quit your job, drown in painful emotions, pay a monthly membership, or spend hours a day to feel relief.

About this Course

The Burnout to Balance Course will help you find balance and reconnect with your creativity in under 1 hour per week.

Through this course, you'll:

  • Gain insights on where you're getting stuck in the burnout cycle, set goals, and learn the framework for building a balanced life.
  • Easily release unconscious patterns and habits leading you to burnout.
  • Become consistent about relieving stress in healthy, nourishing ways.
  • Connect with the wisdom of your body and calm your nervous system. Ahhh.
  • Feel supported as you practice assertively communicating your needs.
  • Finally feel safe and anxiety-free when it's time to relax, say no, and take space.
  • Get lifetime access to guided meditations, EFT Tapping sessions, and more.
  • Get your questions answered as you go at our monthly 30-minute Q & As.

Ready to build a life without burnout?

Why I Created this Course

Hey there, I'm Ellie. Before I founded Bigsister in 2019, I was a burned out non-profit employee. I cried in my cubicle at least once a week. I didn't know how to say no or discern my boundaries and I struggled with low self-esteem.

Now, I get to travel the world, share my gifts, and help creative empaths transform their lives. I believe it's everyone's birthright to live according to their heart's desires and dreams.

Over the years many people have asked me how they can find balance. So I wanted to share the tools that have helped me, my clients, and my students go from burnout to feeling confident, setting healthy boundaries, and finding balance.

I've taught thousands of people how to build more balanced lives through meditation, somatic healing practices, and reprogramming negative beliefs from childhood.

I'm an award-winning writer, global speaker at events including The Embodiment Conference and Creative Mornings, Master Practitioner of NLP and EFT, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, and trauma-trained Meditation & Breathwork Teacher.

I'm here to answer your questions every step of the way.

You're in the right place if...

You’re sobbing in your parked car at the end of a workday because your boss gave you another project.

You have a hard time unwinding, still feeling the “need” to be productive and busy during your time off.

You don’t know what to do to relax.

You believe you need to hustle nonstop to get to your goals.

You feel disconnected from your body, your inner compass, your wisdom. 

But you know you can make a change.

You’re ready to build a life of balance.

Why You're Trapped in Hustle-Mode

75% of executive women report they've experienced Imposter Syndrome at some point in their careers. Some of the most successful women often feel like failures.

Societal messaging is designed to keep us feeling insecure. Like we have to work really hard to succeed.

When you don't feel worthy or "enough," you'll hustle to prove yourself. Many of us also feel bad saying "no" and default to people-pleasing. These patterns often lead to burnout.

Which is why it's BIGSISTER's mission to propel women forward by helping them take control of their lives.

Because the truth is, you deserve to feel good. Nourished. Relaxed. Boundaried. Safe. Taken care of. And still be successful.

It's time to tell a new story.

What Students are Saying

What's Included?

  • 7 educational modules ($1,100 value)
  • 6 assignments to help you have fun integrating what you learn and start making changes to your life.
  • 5 somatic tools for reducing stress: EFT Tapping, Ellie's Positive Emotional Conditioning (PEC) System™, Meditation, Muscle Testing, and Grounding. ($1,200 value)
  • 2 recorded healing sessions: EFT Tapping to Release Overwhelm and Hypnosis to help you set Healthy Boundaries ($500 value)
  • Monthly group Q & A calls ($100/month value)
  • BONUS! Recorded Distance Reiki Healing Session ($100 value)
  • BONUS! Ellie's rituals for deep self-renewal to help her stay balanced while traveling internationally, running a business, and writing books. ($400 value)

Total value: $3,300

Your investment: just $497


Healing Tools

In this course, you'll learn five simple somatic tools for reducing stress and staying balanced:

EFT Tapping, Ellie's Positive Emotional Conditioning (PEC) System™, Meditation, Muscle Testing/Pendulum, and Grounding.

Relaxing Recordings

You'll get lifetime access to two powerful healing recordings:

EFT Tapping to Release Overwhelm and Hypnosis to help you Set Healthy Boundaries.

Once the course opens, you'll get instant access to bonuses including:

One Recorded Distance Reiki Energy Healing Session and Ellie's Rituals for Renewal.

Curriculum Preview

  Module 1: Understanding Burnout
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Your Current Balance Level
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Setting Goals that Propel You Forward
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Communication & Healthy Boundaries
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Burnout-Proofing Your Mind & Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: The Power of Ritual
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Getting Support & Maintaining Balance
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Q & As
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is for you if...

You desire to do the inner work and transform your life. You’ll heal deep unconscious patterns while implementing relaxing self-care practices.

You consider yourself a high-achiever...but you’re overwhelmed, all over the place, and struggle to say no. You'll learn how to communicate assertively and honor your worth so that you have time for the people and things that you love. 

You’re a compassionate leader who wants to make an impact. You’ll learn how to quench your own thirst first so that you don’t run into burnout again. 

You’re an overworked professional or entrepreneur. You’ll learn how to set healthy boundaries and get out of toxic workplace cycles so that you can build big without burning out.

This course is not for you if...

You’re unwilling or don’t believe you can make a change. If you’re not willing to take new actions to step into the new you, this course will be little more than interesting information. 

You’re unwilling to make a commitment to yourself. Commit to finishing the course to get the full transformational benefits. 

The Benefits 🤯

It's been three months since you took the Burnout to Balance course. You're amazed that since taking the course, you've been able to...

  • Enjoy taking relaxing time for yourself without feeling guilty.
  • Feel worthier and more confident in your skin.
  • Calmly and firmly communicate with your boss and colleagues when you're unavailable for more work. You can't believe you used to work until you were past exhaustion!
  • Limit time with people who drain you.
  • Have more time for the things and people you love.
  • Heal childhood and generational wounds and now you know in your bones it's safe for you to rest.
  • Raise your standards in your relationships and what energy you want to be around. Feel seen, loved, and connected as you attract relationships and opportunities where you're celebrated for who you are.
  • Feel proud of yourself. You're happier, calmer, and more organized. You're confident you can manage your time and juggle your priorities.
  • Regain your passion for life as you focus on what brings you joy.
  • Feel connected to your intuition, your body, and your needs.

You're so happy and grateful you decided to take control of your life and find the balance you deserve.

Say goodbye to...💀

  • Trying to fix things for others then burning out.
  • Working 60-80+ hour weeks when you don't want to.
  • Feeling frustrated. Angry. Stuck. Easily triggered. 
  • Not feeding your creativity.
  • Staying trapped in a cycle that’s preventing you from doing things you want.
  • Toxic environments and relationships. Feeling like you’re being taken advantage of.
  • People pleasing. Saying yes to everything and everyone.
  • Procrastinating on the things you promised yourself you'd do.
  • Setting unrealistic expectations for yourself.
  • Feeling like you’ve lost yourself.
  • Not having enough time.
  • Cycling through feeling guilty for wanting to improve your life then feeling unhappy and anxious and wanting to run away.
  • A lack of fulfillment, anxiety/feeling depressed.


What's the weekly time commitment to go through the course content?

Under 1 hour per week.

Are there payment plans?

Yes! You can enroll with a payment plan here.

Is my purchase risk-free? 

Yes! All students who enroll are covered under our 30-day Risk-Free guarantee. If within 30 days of purchase you no longer wish to take the course, you'll receive a full refund. Note: If you're a pre-sale enrollee, your 30-day refund window begins as of the date of sale, not the date that content is available.

What if I can't do the course weekly?

This course is designed to make life feel simpler, so don't sweat it if you can't follow the structure perfectly. Be intentional and set time aside, but fit it in where you can.

Can I refer friends?

Yes! This is a great program to take with friends so that you have that extra accountability. Just send them the link to this page.

Bigsister Method Transformations

Blonde woman wearing glasses
"I learned how to set boundaries l that I can stick to."

"I wanted to learn how to set boundaries where it's not like, I set a boundary and I feel like it makes my life harder. I feel less anxiety and turmoil now. The last three weeks at work when there's chaos, I'm not internalizing that chaos."

- Rachel Cole

"My heart is so full and my body is so grateful."

"I was questioning my strengths. They have come back up and I have confidence in myself again. That right there, I would recommend to anybody. 100%."

- Suzie Curtis

"I'm in control of my life and my calendar now."

"I wake up happy and I'm able to balanced all the things I need to balance and I'm still making the money I need to make to live my life. Anything's possible."

- Heidi Bianchi

Choose a Pricing Option

💗Create a Ripple Effect for All Women 💗

We stand for women unapologetically prioritizing themselves and their needs so that they can embody the worthiness, power, and freedom that is their birthright.

Burnout is not just a personal problem, it's a societal problem.

We believe that personal empowerment equips us to make a larger societal shift.

We're done compensating for Imposter Syndrome and low self-worth.

We stand for complete self-acceptance and self-love.

We're sick of our sisters burning out, doing all the things, working harder than anyone else, and getting peanuts.

We're done hustling and accepting toxic environments as the norm.

We're sustainably supporting our mental health, wellbeing, and planet.

We're here to create magic. We're lit up by what we do.

We're here to believe in ourselves and lift each other up.

You're not just enrolling in a course.

You're joining a movement.

And by transforming your life, you're inspiring other women to do the same.